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Ep 045 Love Money Money Loves You with Sarah McCrum

Dec 18, 2019

Take one human being. Add a Cambridge University education and 10 years in BBC Radio. Mix in 22 years of training with Chinese Masters. Then combine with a lot of common sense, diverse life experiences and a passion for inspiring leaders. The result is Sarah McCrum and she’s different to anything you’ve experienced before.

From the moment you connect with her you are led towards a world of relaxed inner peace and happiness. It’s a world where the laws of life are constantly challenged in an easy-going, friendly way. A world where you will discover more about yourself than you ever imagined, and your greatest potential will thrive. 

After 22 years training with Chinese Masters Sarah experiences the world differently from most and this has transformed her life. She has a passionate curiosity about what makes people work at their best, and an almost magical ability to solve problems through dialogue. Her unique way of sharing peace and happiness touches the hearts of individuals, groups and crowds. It’s a powerful combination.

As a coach for leaders and business owners, Sarah is known for injecting spirit and energy into the whole family as she helps her clients shift perspectives and change their lives through simple conversations.

She has also become one of my mentors and i can tell you from my own personal experience, the more i listen to what money is saying to me, the more things start to change in my relationship with it. It makes complete sense when I think about tit, because how can i have a relationship with someone or something, if i never give it a chance to tell me what it wants to say to me. If you get nothing more from this podcast than just this one simple perceptual shift, it will be one of themes important gifts you have ever given yourself.

In this podcast, you will hear:

  • A fresh new innovative perspective on Money
  • Why so many people who are ”spiritual” don’t have money and why so many people who have money don’t have fulfillment.
  • A powerful question: What is money trying to say to you?
  • a beautiful moving audio of Chapter 1 of her book, Love Money Money Loves You that shares with you what money is trying to say to you. Listen to this everyday if you can and feel what happens.
  • An invitation to see if your relationship with money is similar to your relationship to your significant other and to life itself
  • How the marriage of money and fulfillment is the life we all seek
  • How your relationship to money is the key to having a beautiful life.
  • That first moment when you realize that everything in the world is speaking to you
  • How everything you want is right in front of you
  • I invite you to get to know Sarah work and allow it to shift some of your perspectives. You will be happy you did.

To learn more about Sarah:

To get Sarah’s Book and audio book:

To learn more about Danny:

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