A deeply intimate and personal space, where people from all different countries, religions, races, political points of view, come together regardless of their age or economic standing and have a chance to share what is in their heart and then listen to each other do the same.
The Movement

The Love Tour
The Mosaic Love Tour will bring The Mosaic from the pages of the book to the streets of the real world as I follow the example of Mo and set out on a trip around the world and listen to people and share unconditional love.
The Mystery School
The Mosaic Mystery School teaches you how to become unlimited and live your purpose. It walks you through your dark places, the ones you are most scared to enter, over and over again until you are no longer scared to go there. Because the most valuable gems in life are hidden in those dark places.
They are rare and hard to find; by helping you overcome your fear, The Mosaic Mystery School teaches you how to find those precious gems and integrate them into your day to day life.

Discover The Mosaic: a Story, a Method, and a Movement.
Experience the visionary who listens and sees.