This wasn’t a typical interview, it was more of a conversation than anything else. I had the chance to connect with Daniel Bruce Levin, CEO and Author of a life changing fable The Mosaic. Daniel truly is a remarkable human being, who not only can tell the best stories that lead to moments of awakening and clarity, but he listens… more than he speaks. We are led to believe that by telling somebody what they should do we can change their life, but, is that really the best way to build the connection that leads to having a real influence? Not at all. Daniel taught me a wonderful lesson in this conversation, and I know he will teach you one too. Take the time to sit down and really listen to every word, and listen to the space in between these words, and let connection be the inevitable consequence.
Connect With Daniel Bruce Levin: https://danielbrucelevin.com/Get your copy of the Mosaic here: https://themosaiconline.com/shop/Connect with Daniel on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danny.levin.735Listen to Daniels Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-mosaic-podcast/id1465338321ORhttps://themosaiconline.com/podcast/ “Be kind to yourself.” – Daniel Bruce Levin
i love this guy.
Adrian Moreno is an amazing man who is a brilliant entrepreneur
and a kind and generous person.
i loved hearing this back and hope you will too
i hope you enjoy the conversation.