but that’s okay.
we all need to be able to share what we think with love.
but when we worry about whether we wil be liked or not
for saying the things we say,
it not only has the potential
to restrict our ability to speak truthfully
but it can also rob us of the opportunity
to meet people who see the world we see differently.
with that said, i want to speak out
to everyone on both sides of the aisle
to say to you with all the love of my heart,
we have stopped listening to each other
and we do not even pause for a moment
to hear what we ourselves are saying.
we have become so absorbed in the noise,
we have lost our ability to hear the quie.
we speak against intolerance intolerantly
we speak against hatred with hatred
we put others down for putting others down.
surely i am not the only one who sees this.
does this make sense to you.
in my book, The Mosaic (available on amazon)
Mo, the main character, walks into a mirror store
and he is struck by how beautiful the mirrors in the store are
and while he is browsing through the the store,
he meets the Mirror Maker who asks him
“what do you see when you look into the mirror?”
in the flow of the story
the message that is lobbed into the air for people to grasp is
what we see out there, is who we are in here.
we must stop fighting, for we are fighting ourselves.
we are losing so much more than we think we are gaining.
we know the saying, “united we stand, divided we fall.”
unless we reach out to each other
and stop the childish, arrogance and pride filled fighting;
the very fabric of what makes our country great,
we will continue to pummel head first
into the ground of our destruction.
i am speaking now especially to those of us
who say we are conscious,
for i watch you time and time again
commit the very same actions you stand in criticism of.
that must change.
to those of you who believe you are more conscious
you must know
for is you use them wisely
we change change the narrative of the story we are living
Remember the simple Mosaic Change Formula:
Our thoughts become our words.
Our words become our stories.
Our stories become our lives.
To change any part of this equation,
change any part of the equation
and everything changes.
please share you comments below
and if you have become so caught in the noise of the fight
that you have lost your ability to hear your own soul voice,
reach out to me.
we have work to do. let’s do it together.
to learn more about The Mosaic, please go to:
#TheMosaic #WeAreAllConnected #NothingIsAsItSeems #YourWordsHavePower#BeWhoYouSayYouAre