i am living in a painted silo
hiding and protecting myself from the world around me.
and as vulnerable and real as i try to be
i still see how scared i am:
to love and be loved
to stand unprotected in front of you
to allow myself to feel
because i am scared that you will hurt me.
one of the most recent reveals The Mosaic has given to me is:
the action plan its story tells.
when Mo, the protagonist,
experiences the greatest pain he has ever known
the loss of his parents,
he doesn’t hide scared in his silo,
he goes out walking
he meets people and listens to them tell their story.
the world he sees is suddenly different
the sky unzips and he finds his heaven.
once again, i see The Mosaic came to me for me.
i have silo’ed myself away
scared to go out and experience “the pain”
of the world around me, scared to be hurt again.
and i have painted my silo
and fooled myself into thinking i am visible.
it is time to start “my walk”.
to listen more to the people i meet
to hold the space for us to empty ourselves of our stories
to feel safe enough to come out of our painted silos
and be ourselves.
i invite you to join me.
this is a call to all of you
every piece of The Mosaic
to those who feel broken and whole
pretty and ugly
strong and weak
capable and not worthy
rich and poor
white and of color,
people of all faiths and those of no faith
to every religion and every nation
this is a call for all of you who have forgotten
who you are
and how exquisite you are
how important you are
and how needed you are
this is a call for all of you
to do now what you came here to do
our world needs you.
come out with me from behind your painted silo
and show the world exquisiteness of who we are
when we come together.
this is what i learned today from my book, The Mosaic.
what will you experience in reading it?
#TheMosaic #ComeOutFromYourPaintedSilo #WalkListenFindHeaven #WeAreAllConnected