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Ep 050 The Listening Project – A Solo Podcast with Daniel Bruce Levin

Feb 24, 2020

For episode 50, i decided to try something different. i decided to record the podcast by myself, as i have been wanting to share so much with you of what life is looking like moving forward that i thought EPISODE 50 was a great milestone to do just that. i hope you love it

Listen in to hear:

  • The story about writing The Mosaic
  • Elisa’s story and the solution to conflict resolution. Speak>Yell>Tantrum>Destroy
  • How everyone i work with does these same exact things
  • How the characters spoke to me
  • How Mo, The Protagonist of the Mosaic told me to set out on the road and do what he did
  • I have sat with the richest of the rich and the poorest of the poor and what no one has ever asked me to do
  • Everyone wants the same thing. Find out what that it
  • The story of a homeless man i metThat is why i will be spending the next year on a journey across America to listen to those who do not feel heard. The mission is called THE  LISTENING PROJECT.
  • I need your help. A MOSAIC is not made from one piece if you feel inspired by this journey, become a part of it and join me in whatever way you feel drawn to do so:
    • host me in your home
    • provide a space for a listening session gathering
    • sponsor a portion of the trip, a vehicle for me to travel in, a train pass for the year
    • provide a warm meal and a hot shower
    • get media for me in your town
    • introduce me to your friends
    • set up a book signing in your local bookstore
  • to learn more about me and the work i am doing please go to my websites
  • To buy a copy of my book The Mosaic please either order a signed copy online at my website or get an unsigned copy on Amazon

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