Conversations with Strangers feat. Wandalyn Tan-Calupig
i have no idea how Wandalyn came into my room, i think she was the friend of another stranger and she saw the post of her friends show and made a kind comment, so i invited her to come into this room to get to know her too.
as you listen you will hear, Wandalyn was excited and nervous to be here. she doesn’t usually browse facebook much and even almost never sees a video posted and watches it first thing in the morning before even getting up.
she was able to feel my pain and she sent me the kindest note without even knowing me, she wanted to share with me the beauty of the guidance she received.
ah . . the beauty of empath meeting empath
here is what we spoke about:
taking on other peoples pain
the process of surrender the trashman, the trashcan and feeling people’s pain
the loss of her father and the direct line of faith that led her to make god her father
what no means to God
getting real with trust
leaving corporate and stay at home depression
planning and control and surrender
goal setting and life visioning
what does god want to give birth through me
the power of experience to reinforce surrender
the gift, self doubt and the trust in god
stories we create and how we are today
creating a life that is working and having to give it up becasue things fall apart around me
her dream of creating “the working mom academy”
a feeling i was having during our conversation of a conflict within her
our desire to do what we know we have to do and how it can blocks us from receiving what the divine wants to give us letting go of what we see to allow what we don’t see in
my will vs. god’s will
and a whole lot more . . .
to learn more about Wandalyn, please go to: website: https://caltan-training-and-consultancy.teachable.com/…: http://www.livetoinspire.info/Facebook:
to learn more about Daniel B. Levin, please go to:
to get The Mosaic, please go to: theMosaicOnline.com/shop/ or go to amazon: http://a.co/dvgsgG3
to join The Mosaic Book club: https://hiitide.com/crews/themosaic
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