Conversations with Strangers feat. Dina Ziskin-Fortune
to be completely transparent, Dina was not a total stranger. when i was going to be traveling round the world, Dina has invited me to come to her town and stay for a night or two in her home and perhaps even bring together a group of people for a presentation. so kind of her. i had met her through a mutual “friend” and so when she signed up for the show, i thought initially, she is not a stranger and so i can’t have her on the show. but as i thought about it, really did not know anything about her, so i decided why not? of course she can be on the show.
Dina is a talented artist. and like many artists, she seems more comfortable in front of a canvas than in front of people. She is a little bit awkward, a little bit goofy and a whole lot of herself. buried underneath there is a depth to her that comes out in this conversation. i hope you will sit with me as i sit with her to get to know Dina Ziskin-Fort. i hope you will be touched as i was just listening to the purity of who Dina is.
here is what we spoke about:
the contagiousness of the energy of this room and how people can come and draw from this energy
the beautiful simplicity of really caring about the answer to the question, “how are you?”
when how are you is no longer a salutation but a question of concern to gather information.
the fluidity of experiencing the world as an empath; as a feeler what changes to make one moment become different than the one before
whose feelings am i feeling anyway? is this feeling mine or someone else’s
the perfection syndrome l
iving life with purpose
why is it so important to impact people?
and what it means to Dina
does the desire to impact people sometimes get in the way of actually impacting people
how words get in the way and how you say/hear something and i say/hear something can be entirely different.
how good it feels to have people tell you how much your work touched them
how beautifully simply she expresses the magic in letting go of judgement and self criticism
hear what makes her happy
do people hear when they listen?
what would it take for people to hear?
having the feeling of presence and transferring it through life the giving and receiving of listening
the greatest thing she has learned from listening
and a whole lot more . . . .
i was touched by the beauty of Dina’s simplicity. the wisdom she shares can be so easily overlooked until you feel her kindness and listen to her purity
to learn more about Dina, please go to:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dreamsarepower/
to learn more about Daniel B. Levin, please go to: DanielBruceLevin.com
to get The Mosaic, please go to: theMosaicOnline.com/shop/ or go to amazon: http://a.co/dvgsgG3
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