Conversations with Strangers feat. Jannelle Gordon
one of the reasons i like having these conversations with strangers is because of what happened in this conversation. Jennelle responded to a post i put out asking if there was anyone who wanted to have a conversation with a stranger. we set up a time and unfortunately her calendar entered the day and time incorrectly, so i sat waiting for her and then reconciled that the meeting was not going to happen. c’est la vie.
but she then reached out to me and explained and asked if we could reschedule and i said of course.
Janelle’s life story is one YOU MUST HEAR.
i would love to say more but i want you to listen to our conversation and hear how her story emerges and even more than that how Janelle rebuilds her life as a way to contribute back to woman still stuck in the life she led.
here is what we spoke about:
taking on the karma of other people
the mixed feelings we as empaths feel
the demystifying of the myth that it take a while to get to know each other
shaking the shame of sexuality helping people open up admist the fear of covid 19 a life where she experienced almost every type of sexual trauma the experience of sexual shame an almost unbearable unbelievable upbringing sexually trafficked what comes out after asking how are you for a second time how tony robbins helped her save her life the moment of clarity that came from a question a stripper asked her abandonment and why am i not good enough how much she wanted to be loved and to please the man who the moment she faked her death, didn’t even come looking for her realizing she was completely disposable healing in thailand where have we sold ourselves to be loved becasue we want the love from someone so much listen to her answer to what makes her happy from the dogma of a religious community to the club where she could only do things she was told to do to creating her own meaning how tony robbins reached out to her and possibly even saved her life the fact that someone so affluent cared and responded to me really touched me what changed in her when he believed in her doing the impossible and just continuing to do it
watching people become authentic looking into the face of their shadows
sitting with self
nothing is as it seems
judgement of self
how she changed her mindset and created everything around her
from worthlessness to invincibility
how people see me
how she portrays herself
the marketing of her vs what she was conditioned to be
do she want people to be uncomfortable around her by sharing content that is uncomfortable and wanting to prove people wrong.
what is it about this experience that allows her in this moment to show up as herself.
the pressure she puts on herself to give her son a better life than she had
undoing how she grew up and reading it for him
and a whole lot more . . . . .
to learn more about Jannelle, please go to:
Website: https://theofactors.com/
Instagram: @iamjennellegordon https://www.instagram.com/…/CGaiBJAg6fkWxi1AccHLuVo…/…:
#AgendalessConversations #TheMosaic #TheMosaicPodcast #50ConversationsWith50Strangers #ConversationsWithSrangers #DanielBruceLevin #AskSomeoneYouDoNotKnowHowAreYou #Listen #SeeMe #HearMe #JannelleGordon #theofactors #TantraCoach #OutstandingOrgasicLife #IntimacyCoach #IntimacyBootCamp #wallOfLove #TantraMadeSimple
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