Conversations with Strangers feat. Hema Vyas
Hema Vyas is a renowned speaker on heart wisdom, human consciousness, spirituality, health, energy medicine and the science of Ayurveda. For almost thirty years she has been practising as a psychologist and life leadership mentor.
Her work is about connecting timeless wisdom to solve the problems of modern times, especially by understanding the significance of the heart that she describes as a portal to higher consciousness and to a creative expanse.
Hema’s mission is to provide a direct experience of the power of the heart and move people into what she uniquely terms a state of gold. “Nothing can tarnish or destroy the sustainable and highly valuable element of gold, so when we excavate all that is not who we really are, we become aware of our true selves”.
it only took a couple of moments for me to feel how deeply connected i was to this stranger that i never even knew existed. an indian woman living in the UK invited me to connect on LinkedIn and rather than just meet i asked if we could have our meeting on “Conversations with Strangers” and she agreed. this was the first of what i think will be many conversations we have together.
listen in as we speak about:
feeling people energetically before we feel them physically
the silent despair
how do we decipher the truth
feel the honesty and vulnerability that happens immediately describing a dark night of the soul
the courage it takes to look at that pain and emptiness
the beast, desire and passion
the beauty in the dark and the light
the heart energy
how to achieve an integrated world
have we forgotten how to feel
the power of space, feeling each other beyond words
people experiencing the opening of their energy centers and feeling it in ways they know how to feel it
feeling the soul of people vs their external being
the resonance of our hearts merging together,
orgasm, creation and feeling new possibilities
the importance of the energy of love in every part of life
and a whole lot more . . .
if love is important to you, this is a conversation you must listen to.
to learn more about Hema, please go to:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hemavyas
Instagram and facebook @thehemavyas
Website: www.hemavyas.com
to learn more about Daniel B. Levin, please go to:
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