everything appear so different,
without the lights of the city, the stars were magnificent,
without the noise of constant motion, i could hear the silence,
the way of the outer world is the way of the inner world too,
to hear the whisper of the soul,
you must quiet the constant motion of your mind.
of all the sounds you could ever hear
the sound of your soul is the most intoxicating
the most thrilling, the most peaceful.
you soul so wants you to hear its whispers
practice the practice of stillness,
experience the sound of quiet
create the space within you to know peace.
when the piece knows peace
The Mosaic that forms around it spreads peace.
peace by piece
this is the way of The Mosaic.
i invite you to read The Mosaic
everything in it’s story
is about how the connections we make create the life we live.
to buy the Mosaic on Amazon: http://a.co/dvgsgG3
or perhaps you are interested in experiencing soul sessions
where together we quiet the noise around you
and listen to what your soul is saying to you
message me for more information
or maybe you just want to experience The Mosaic Cards
a free card reading that offers 3 new perspectives
to any question you want to ask.
if i can help you to experience your soul, it would be my honor
#TheMosaic #NothingIsAsItSeems #WeAreALlConnected#TheMosaicPodcast #SoulSessions #DanielBruceLevin