50 More conversations with 50 More Strangers with Prema Satya
i am so touched to see how much energy people put out to participate in these conversations. today’s stranger was connecting with me from india on a smartphone that she borrowed so that we could speak together on zoom.
Prema Satya is a gentle soul who sees the world differently. And it is beautiful to hear the way she speaks of the way she sees things. i love when the simplest of questions draws the most unexpected of answers. to understand what i am saying, listen for yourself to this conversation.
when i asked her to send me her bio, here is what she wrote: she is 58 yrs old and was born in uk she is now living the life she always wanted, writing.serving and spending time away in ashram regularly in india. she has transformed her life and continues to do so because of her relationship with her guru, something she never even had an inkling she would have early on in her life love and truth have and continue to be her best friends
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