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50 More Conversations with 50 More Strangers with Erik Allen

50 More Conversations with 50 More Strangers with Erik Allen

i love this guy. not only because of how covetous i am of his beard, but i love everything i know about him. whereas on the particulars i don’t know much, i do know that his childhood brought him to places no one should have to go, you must tune in to hear the story of the man and the frying pan, it will change the way you view childhood. most would have very little chance of getting out, and erik was headed down the tubes until the moment it all changed.

hear how that happened by listening now. when i asked erik to send me his bio and links to his social media. here is what he wrote:

Truly an honor to have had a 2nd conversation with you. Eye opening and such a great conversation. I love your spirit.

Below are his links and bio

Top Rated MMA Facebook –

Twitter (@TopRatedMMA) –

TopRatedMMA Instagram (@TopRatedMMA) –

YouTube –

Website – Bearded Biz Show

Facebook –

Twitter –

(@ErikGAllen) Instagram – (@BeardedBizShow)

Instagram – (@ErikGAllen)

Bio: Erik is truly a man of integrity, work ethic and an overcomer. Growing up with a complicated childhood and broken home, to raising himself from the age of 14. Unfortunately finding trouble along the way desperately trying to fill the gaping voids in his life. As a young man Erik found himself empty and tired of settling for less.

After the feverish pursuit of the Holy Spirit, Erik decided to surrender and trust the one that would never let him down. Once Erik gave his life to Christ, his life completely turned around. He met a beautiful women and a new chapter was written. Now, Erik and his wife of nearly 15 years and their two children live in Northern Idaho and live a humble and blessed life.

Together they are breaking the cycles handed down to them of addictions, depression, abuse, and lies. They are leaving a new legacy for their next generation built on a biblical foundation. Along with being the sole provider for his family, Erik is an entrepreneur and avid MMA fan. Which he has created the best MMA podcast of the northwest.

He believes in giving back and honoring those that have served our country. With his companies Top Rated MMA and The Bearded Biz Show he is able to do just that. By lifting others up and giving back to the community and veterans through great organizations like Hire Heroes USA. Another one of the ways Erik is able to give back is by sharing his story and encouraging others, no matter what path they are on to find hope and purpose. Erik’s natural approach ability and heart for people make him a great speaker for different events and podcasts.

He knows that sometimes having the opportunity to meet someone and hear their story and how they’ve overcome is the courage someone might need to find new strength in their own battle. Erik might have been dealt a rough hand, but with the help of his Heavenly Father and a humble heart, Erik is taking each day as it comes and making it count. Here is a link to his story –

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