“The Monk smiled.
“I can show you the door,” he said,
“but you must walk through it on your own. You are the way. Remember that.
No matter how often you get distracted, return to where you are.”
“I am ready,” Mo affirmed eagerly. “Please take me to the door.”
And there in the busy beach town, everything vanished.
All that remained was the two of them standing in front of a slice in time,
a door between one world and another.
Mo listened intently
as the Monk spoke to him of the four breaths.
He closed his eyes
and took a deep inhalation followed by a deep exhalation.
He did it again and again.
On the fifth exhalation,
the Monk unzipped the sky
and Mo crossed through the space that had opened.
Suddenly, he was on the other side.”
i tried to edit them out
i thought they were too metaphysical
for a book that simply told the stories of ordinary people
but as often as i tried to take them out
i kept hearing “Keep Them.”
looking back now, i am so happy i listened.
one of the unheralded messages of The Mosaic is.
“Nothing is As It Seems.”
time, space, people, places, conversations, energy
what seems real is not real.
today i record a podcast with Donald Hoffman,
a professor of cognitive science at UCI
who latest book is , “The Case Against Reality”
little did i know, when i wrote these words above
the importance they would have in my life
and the innovative power that comes
when we have the courage to see what we do not see.
To get a copy of The Mosaic on Amazon: please go to: http://a.co/dvgsgG3
send me a proof of purchase,
and I will send you an illustrated PDF entitled
#NothingIsAsItSeems #WeAreAllConnected #SeeWhatYouDoNotSee#EndLikeMindedCommunities #Innovation #SeeDifferently#LeaveYourComfortZone