Ep 39 – Daniel Levin – What The World Needs More Of… Listen to each other
Wow Factor: while most people strive to be extraordinary, the gift I have been given is to see the beauty in the ordinary. I often ask people on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being everything you want to be and 1 being something you never want to be, where do they place the word ordinary. most people reply a 1 or 2. asked the same question now using the word extraordinary, most people answer 10. and so I ask them this simple question, why do you want extra of something you don’t want to be. when we see the beauty of the ordinary, we understand the rules of nature and we see in it the beauty of the sunrise, the change of seasons, etc.
What the world needs more of listening to each other more
Bio: Daniel Bruce Levin walked away from an opportunity to run H&R Block, a business that was a household name in order to hitchhike around the world to find happiness and inner peace. The people he met along his journey remind him a lot of the characters of The Mosaic. For most of his life, Levin felt different. He saw things others did not see and thought in ways that were unlike the ways of his peers. It made him feel alone and isolated, and though he knew how to play the game and interact with others well, he never felt he was the same as them. This all changed when he started to work with government and corporations seeking innovation. Suddenly, it was his ability to see differently that made him a sought out commodity. His work, as the Director of Business Development for Hay House, catapulted the once boutique publisher into international recognition. while he was in charge of Business Development, the company grew from $3million a year in sales to $100million dollars a year in revenue. Levin is the author of The Mosaic, a fable about finding connection and the founder and creator of The BeKind2U 21 Day Challenge. He is a rare blend of mystic and businessman who is married to the woman of his dreams, and still calls himself a modern-day monk. He is a connectivity activist who works with government organizations, corporations, and businesses to improve the flow of the working group and the interactions people have with themselves and others. Sharing a message of unification, he is a sought-after speaker for groups whose focus is on how to bring the pieces of a team together to function as one voice, i.e. The Mosaic.
Favorite Color: Black