50 More Conversations with 50 More Strangers with Teresa Blaes
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i did something i never did before. i posted a post on all of my social media saying, i am looking to speak with people who are different than me. i said i am looking for conservatives who do not believe in new age philosophy and listed a few other things. and Teresa responded in a kind and respectful way saying she is a born again christian and a conservative and i thought this would be great. and it was a great conversation.
it just wasn’t what i believe i am trying to do with these conversations. and it wasn’t because of Teresa, it was because of me.
Teresa came in and started to speak of her faith and what i saw in myself is something i haven’t seen for a while. my questions were not open questions, they were packed with an agenda. i came in to have a debate around religion and conservative beleifs, rather than a desire to really understand what she believes and why she believes it, and to find areas of similarity.
i am sorry Teresa. that is not what this room is for. i apologise to you. in fact i sought counsel from Sakshi Bansal in the conversation i had with her immediately following our conversation and that is where i realized
i entered our conversation with an agenda.
but listening has no agenda.
or if it does, the agenda is to be sure the other person feels love and accepted, listened to and heard and acknowledged and validated. i did not do that here and though it is a good conversation, it is not the feeling i want to create in this room.
have a listen . . . .
to learn more about Teresa, please read this:
Teresa Blaes is a author, poet, blogger, and podcaster. She is the founder of Unresolved Life Ministries, and is the host of the Unresolved Life podcast, which is a show seeking to answer some of life’s most difficult questions.
You can learn more about Teresa and the show by going to www.unresolved.life
You can learn more about her book
God Met Me Here
by going to www.unresolved.life/gmmh
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