50 Conversations with 50 Strangers with Sara Aktary
it’s funny how much we feel each other. from the moment sara signed up to be one of my 50 conversations, i felt her. there was an excitement and an enthusiasm and desire that filled the space between us. i had no idea who she was or even what she looked like, i could just feel her energy and as it turns out she could feel mine too. crazy right, how does this happen. so knowing nothing about her, i entered the room to find an attractive woman in a gorgeous color top sitting in front of a beautiful statue.
she is an actress and a tarot card reader and it turns out Sara had lots of questions for me as we met in the green room, most of which she never asked, because she did a reading before we met and the guidance was to not control the conversation but just allow it to happen.
in holding the space for her to say what she wanted to say, i noticed something happening. an already attractive woman was becoming more attractive. it was as if in feeling the freedom to be heard, she relaxed even more and who she was showed up even stronger. This is the second time this happened and i only noticed it later. to hear what we spoke about, and to see what you feel happened, i welcome you to listen to our conversation . . . .
#DanielLevin #TheMosaic #SaraAktary #50ConversationWith50Strangers #aBeautifulConnection #Amazing #StrangerThingsHaveHappened #DontBeStrangers
to learn more about sara, please go to: https://thegoddesssystem.com/optin1588176799184?fbclid=IwAR1qstn05N5jYDUMLUC-T270w5ZYjATTMz09G2kOJsq2uH06KtDR_sMi1p4 https://www.instagram.com/sahar_ishtar/?fbclid=IwAR2U2rf6jz-G_DECViTvZ4AaFK73Ht8dEfcgCaMBzXwgm2BbiLMlgPznD40
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