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50 Conversations with 50 Strangers with my wife Ana Laura Levin

50 Conversations with 50 Strangers with my wife Ana Laura Levin 

clearly, ana is not a stranger. she is my wife and so what is she doing on this platform. in all transparency, we have some great conversations together and one part of me wanted to share a conversation in this space, a space we hold for each other by having a conversation here together. i was interested to see what would happen.

the idea started when a friend of mine, who i haven’t seen or spoken to in like 20 years wrote me to say to me, i know i am not a stranger, but i would love to have a conversation with you. i immediately said yes and that conversation in now scheduled in my calendar. so i thought why not invite my wife to have a conversation with me because in all transparency, 2 things happened that made me realize, there are times when i don’t even listen to my wife. here are 2 of those situations:

several month ago, i was working on what i thought was going to be a trip around the world to sit on street corners and bookstores, government office buildings and board room in corporate america; hospitals and jails, homeless shelters and schools. my goal was to go anywhere people would have me and sit and listen to people who feel their voices have not been heard. i remember one day sitting in my chair planning something or another and my wife said something to me and asked me what i thought, i answered without even looking up at her and said, “yeah, i think that is a great idea.” she looked right at me and said to me, “you didn’t hear a word i said did you?” and i had to admit she was right. i apologised and we started the conversation over, this time with my full attention. so sometimes i get so busy that i don’t take the time to listen to what my wife wants to say to me.

the other situation is that sometimes i spend my whole day listening and talking to people that when my day is done, i do not want to have another conversation with anyone and so i am not available to my wife in the way i am to total strangers. i hate that. and so i thought it would be great to invite her to be a part of the work i am doing and to take conscious time to have a beautiful conversation.

ANA IS AMAZING! and i want you to see what i get to see all the time. she is a beautiful, sensitive, heart centred woman who loves deeper than anyone i know and is scared by what that really implies. but to hear more about this, just listen to this conversation. I KNOW YOU WILL LOVE IT!!!!

#DanielLevin #TheMosaic #AnaLauraLevin #sourceEnergyAlignments #TrustInThePowerOfYourHeart #50ConversationWith50Strangers #NotAStranger #aNiceSurprise #Amazing #StrangerThingsHaveHappened #DontBeStrangers

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