50 Conversations with 50 Strangers with Jennifer Haack.1
there is an ancient saying the jews have, it says, “Man plans and God laughs.” well i am quite sure she is having a good laugh on me. there are days in our life where things just do not go as planned. where no matter how hard we try, something interrupts us. yesterday was one of those days.
i had a beautiful conversation with a stranger at 8am california time and it looks like i lost the entire conversation when my computer told me that i was out of space. but, i didn’t have time to worry about that as i still had three more conversations in the next 3 hours. my morning was fully booked and my zoom was not allowing me to record. i hit that space that i rarely hit, where i had no idea what to do. so i called my wife.
she is my guru when i don’t understand my computer. she set me up on her computer. i asked jennifer to exit and come back in and now it looked like this conversation was going to happen. i apologised profusely for being 30 minutes late for the recording and my dear friend jennifer was as kind as kind could be. we were going to finally have a conversation together and the beauty of it would be that we would capture it on zoom. everything was set. i pressed the record button, saw it record and off we went. speaking on beautiful, vulnerable, honest things that thrilled me.
but remember this was a day where man plans and god laughs. it seems she was not done laughing at me. what i did not see is that 5 seconds later, for no apparent reason, zoom stopped recording. i only noticed in 35 mines into our conversation. the conversation was lost and you can see my response when i finally realize what happened. jennifer is so kind and as much as she is an influencer to me and as much as she leads the places she works with, there is a gentle humility in her that doesn’t let her speak about her greatness in what she does. that is what i was hoping to capture in my conversation with her, and we had done just that . . . .
but, it didn’t record. so this is just a taste, a glimpse of the conversation that Jennifer has been so kind to re-have with me. i can’t help but this, this call in some ways symbolises our relationship. there is such a deep, heart felt love that we have for each other, a powerful mutual respect and yet something keeps from each other. i am hoping this conversation will initiate more conversations and that we will be able to continue to be there for each other in the way we both want to be. sometimes, what we get is what god wants to have happen. i am happy in the end i got to talk to my dear friend jennifer and sad that you did not get to hear the wisdom and how she shows up with such heart felt leadership in her day to day life. we will do a complete conversation soon. this is just a teaser to whet your appetite. 🙂
#DanielLevin #TheMosaic #JenniferHaack #AvedaInstituteDallas #ManPlansAndGodLaughs #conversationsWithAFriend #50ConversationWith50Strangers #NotAStranger #aNiceSurprise #Amazing #StrangerThingsHaveHappened #DontBeStrangers . .
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