50 Conversations with 50 Strangers with Gail Saunders
i love meeting interesting people, who doesn’t, right? interesting people give life a different dimension and what i am finding is that what makes people interesting is that they have the courage to live outside of what we call the norm. they do different, the live different, they are different. but, is it their difference that makes them interesting? maybe.
Gail Saunders is one of those interesting people. 18 seconds before our conversation i didn’t even know gail saunders existed, but 18 seconds after our conversation, i felt my life was richer as a result of knowing her a little. i hope you will listen to our conversation, get to know gail and see why a woman in her mid-30’s along with her husband, steps away from a promising life at the top of their game to take a year off. that year becomes the rest of their life. but rather than me telly her story, listen to our conversation and hear some of it for yourself. our conversation spans continents, with me in Encinitas, CA and gail in one of the greek island called Paros Island.
it is always nice to hear comments like these from people you have just met. “I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation yesterday.. Have a wonderful rest of your week! Keep doing your conversations with strangers.” i most certainly will gail. for as the first 50 conversations come to a close, i will start up the next conversations called 50 More Conversations with 50 More Strangers. watch for it coming soon.
#DanielLevin #TheMosaic #GailSaunders #ThemosaicPodcast #conversationsWithAFriend #50ConversationWith50Strangers #NotAStranger #aNiceSurprise #Amazing #StrangerThingsHaveHappened #DontBeStrangers . .
to connect with Gail and/or to read her books, please go to:
website: www.GailSaunders.com
Book links: Resilient Heart: Transcending the Death of Your Loved One https://www.amazon.com/Resilient-Heart-Transcending-Death-Loved/dp/0986290114/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1595917107&sr=1-1
Pebbles in the Pond https://www.amazon.com/Pebbles-Pond-Wave-Three-Transforming-ebook/dp/B00KQOFYWY/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=pebbles+in+the+pond+wave+three&qid=1595917548&s=books&sprefix=Pebbles+in+the+Pond+%2Cstripbooks%2C318&sr=1-1
Parian Chronicles: Foreign Affairs with a Greek Island https://www.amazon.com/Parian-Chronicles-Fionnuala-Brennan/dp/1471745384/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1403269387&sr=1-1&keywords=Parian+Chronicles
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/gail.s.saunders https://www.facebook.com/Resilient-Heart-Gail-Saunders-675750779173687
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