Conversations with Strangers feat. Jeremy Roadruck
Our hope is that The Mosaic will allow us to see differently and bring the world together by showing us that what we share is much more important than what separates us.
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jeremy came into the room as if he was on fire. full of energy and powerful. at first i didn’t really know what to do, becasue this show is not about the business guy, it is an opportunity to go beyond the guy who does what he does to the one who does it.
it is interesting to see when a person is so much the work they do, there is often no separation between whether are and what they do. i often think my mind moves faster than most, but in this room i was left in the smoke. Jeremy is brilliant and he has worked on the presentation of who hi is so much, it should amazing.
the only thing is that i didn’t feel him, so said something to him.
and to his credit he was able to shift on a dime. he shared with me in an email later, that he is still mulling things over and is going t spend the evening quiet to allow the space to hear more. thesis a rare and beautiful quality to see someone not being defensive and just receiving information, especially someone who lives in the persona of teacher.
my hats is off to you for the way you showed up in the room Jeremy Roadruck.
we talk about:
fearless and fear
protection by hiding
learning how t protect himself so that he is not scared
belief systems
games and stories
bring empty and receiving
and a whole lot more
to learn more about Jeremy, please go to:
Book – Your Best Child Ever: Is This Game Worth Winning? (the only parenting book with a money back guarantee)
#AgendalessConversation #TheMosaic #TheMosaicPodcast #50ConversationsWith50Strangers #ConversationsWithSrangers #DanielBruceLevin #AskSomeoneYouDoNotKnowHowAreYou #Listen #SeeMe #HearMe #JeremyRoadruck #JeremyRthekungfuguy #YourBestChildEverSelfDisciplined #IsThisGameWorthWinning #TheParentingProgram
to learn more about Daniel B. Levin, please go to: DanielBruceLevin.com
to get The Mosaic, please go to: themosaiconline.com/shop/ or go to amazon: http://a.co/dvgsgG3
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